Domain Awareness and Surveillance
Supporting homeland defense with distinct capabilities
WR’s Over-The-Horizon Radar (OTHR) research and development (R&D) team works to enhance intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities in support of operations conducted by the US Navy, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, Missile Defense Agency, US Coast Guard, Drug Enforcement Agency, and others.
Our team is made up of highly recognized scientists with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) credentials who are distinguished experts across many disciplines of radio frequency:
- Digital signal processing, radio wave propagation, and geo-location
- Antenna design
- Systems site selection and integration
- Detection, location, and mitigation of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Our experts are often referred to as the “gray beards” of the Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar (ROTHR) program, having supported the work for over 20 years.

Recent projects:
- Maintenance and optimization for ROTHR
- Diagnostic evaluation for quality of system output to the operational users
- Technical fleet support for radar sensor distribution systems
- R&D for next generation OTHR
- Site preparation and assessment
- Automated, continuous EMI monitoring and assessment
- Antenna array modeling, design, installation, and assessment
- Receiver modeling, design, development, and assessment
- Advanced signal processing and tracker developments
- Advanced geo-registration system developments
- Advanced radar management systems developments