prime contracts
GSA Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) providing direct access to simple or complex fixed‐price or labor‐hour professional services.
GSA Advantage website
- 41 Labor Categories
- Eligible Users: Federal, state and local government agencies
GSA Advantage website
Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic Navigation and Engineering Services
IDIQ for In‐Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) support services for navigation systems. Includes hardware and software design and development; testing and evaluation; electronic equipment prototype development; integrated logistics support; documentation; training; electronic test and repair to the component level; program support; and Navigation System Certification (NAVCERT) for all Navy navigation systems.
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Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington Navy Yard Unmanned Surface Vehicle Family of Systems (USV FoS)
IDIQ-MAC with the ability to be awarded firm-fixed-price, fixed-price-incentive-firm-target, cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee and/or cost only individual delivery orders (Orders). WR will have the opportunity to compete in the awarded functional area for Orders.
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Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapons Systems Support (WSS) Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)
BOA for the receipt, screening, inventory control, storage, and delivery of radio and navigation equipment. Individual Orders are placed against the BOA for the pre-established NSNs.
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Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren Division SPA-25H
IDIQ single award contract for the production, engineering, technical and logistical services associated with delivery and technical support of the AN/SPA-25H Indicator Group. These systems support surface ships and are the standard data and distribution system from radar sensors to navigational and tactical displays.
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Relocatable Over‐the‐Horizon Radar (ROTHR) Program Office Scientific, Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA)
Contract for the maintenance and optimization of the ROTHR systems installed in support of homeland defense. Includes engineering, technical, programmatic, and budgetary support; and diagnostic evaluation for the administration, maintenance, and optimization of the quality of the ROTHR system output to the operational users.
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SeaPort‐e, IDIQ MAC
Multiple award IDIQ. The Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. Under a Seaport-e task order, WR currently provides prototyping and engineering development model support to Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Dam Neck Activity (DNA).
Navy SeaPort-E website
Navy SeaPort-E website

SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort-NxG)
Multiple Award Contract (MAC) IDIQ with task orders that allows the Navy to acquire engineering and program management support services in 23 functional areas. Eligible entities include Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Military Sealift Command, Naval Facilities Command, Office of Naval Research, and the United States Marine Corps.
SeaPort NXG Website
SeaPort NXG Website

ALERT Electronics Repair and Testing (ERT)/ 2M (Micro-Miniature) Multiple Order
Expert repair capability. Specialize in micro-miniature repair, as well as core technology service for radios, transmitters, radar data distribution,
navigation suite components and subassemblies, and sensors and
- High quality diagnostics using Huntron Protrack and the AN/USM-676 PinPoint In-Circuit Functional Tester.
- Circuit Card Assembly (CCA) reproduction and life cycle extension.